Sunday, October 20, 2013

Franchesly Jerez                                                                 10-11-13
H-17                                                                                 Chemistry

Paper Chromatography
Lab objective: Create a process for separating a mixture, specifically an ink mixture.

1) What colors are mixtures?
- Blue= green+yellow 
  Purple= red+blue
  Orange= red+yellow
  Pink= red+white
2) What substances could be used to separate mixture?
- Bleach(chlorine), water w/3 drops of soup, paint remover, Acetone ( nail polish remover) 
3) What is paper chromatography?
- Bleach (chlorine) 

1) Are colors mixed to make other colors?
2) Can mixed colors separate into their components colors?
3) Can black separate into their component colors?
4) Which colors will separate out?
-The darker colors will be harder to fade, and the lighter colors will fade easily.

What is Paper Chromatography?
- Chromatography is a method for analyzing complex mixtures (such as ink) by separating them into the chemicals from which they are made.

-Green and Black markers
-Strips of filter papers
-Metric Ruler
-Plastic cup 
-Rubbing Alcohol

1.Using the ruler, cut the filter paper into long,rectangular strips,about 3cm x 10cm *you need 2*
2.Measure 0.5cm from the bottom of the paper strip and draw a horizontal line with your pencil across the width of the strip.Then use the black maker to make a dot on the pencil line.
3.Tape the paper strip around the pencil so that the very bottom of the strip touches the alcohol.
4.Pour rubbing alcohol into a plastic cup to a depth of 1/2cm. Then,rest the pencil on the rim of the cup so that the end of the pencil strip with the ink mark is just barely in contact with the alcohol.
5.Observe for about 8 minutes.
6.Let the strip dry by taping it to a piece of paper provided.Put a group of name, period,and ipod # on the sheet.
7.Repeat the process for the other solution for there same marker.

Date Table:
Observations          Observation              Observation       Dry test
                               at 3 minutes            at 6 minutes         strips
(Name) black
marker w/
alcohol                 Nothing changed        The water
                                                                 rices              It smeared up

Black marker
w/h2O                 No changes and the
                            water rises                     No changes  No changes   

Test strips after
they are dry         No changes                 No changes     No changes

Analysis and Conclusions:
1.) What appeared on the filter paper?Describe all results
-with the water nothing happened but with the alcohol it separated.
2.) What did the results indicate about the black ink? What classification of matter could you give the ink?
-its a homogenous mixture.
3.) Is Chromatography a useful separation method for ink mixtures?Explain based on your results.
-yes because it was able to separate the mixture.
4.) If you could alter the experiment to test another condition or factor,what would you change or test?
-i would change the alcohol and put bleach.

Post Lab:
How does paper Chromatography work? what did the results tell us?
Answer: preferential absortion of chemical compounds (gases or liquids) in an ascending molecular-weight sequence